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Unlimited Power BI Dataset Refresh

Unlimited Power BI Dataset Refresh
The Writeback Grid empowers write-back capabilities across different data sources through an intuitive grid visual. It works basically best with "DirectQuery", instantly reflecting changes across the entire report. Yet, there are scenarios where combining writeback with the "Import" mode is beneficial, be it for enhanced performance or to access specific features. This is where the new refresh feature proves useful. It allows users to manually refresh the Power BI dataset after committing changes, without any limitations or restrictions. Additionally, Power BI Premium offers the extra capability of refreshing single tables and partitions.

  • Power BI license
  • Power BI workspace and dataset with Import mode
  • Azure AD User with MFA disabled and admin/contributor permission in Power BI workspace 
  • Writeback Grid Custom Visual

Configuring Writeback Grid Custom Visual
Configuring the Writeback Custom is easy. First, you just need to enable the "Refresh dataset" option in the "Config" section where you also populate your data source information. There you can choose between "Power BI Pro" and "Power BI Premium" as the "Refresh dataset type". Choosing Premium further enables you to optionally provide a table and partition name making the refresh even more efficient. For instance, you could also consider creating a dedicated writeback partition. Besides the user credentials, you also need the "Power BI dataset id":

Once you configured the visual, you can test the connection with the wifi icon in red. Triggering a refresh is done by using the refresh icon in blue:

If you have selected "Power BI Pro", these triggered refreshes are shown as they would be normal manual refreshes triggered by an Admin or Contributor directly from within the Power BI Service. In case of selecting "Power BI Premium", you would see "Via Enhanced Api".

If you face any other issues, please let us know service@creativedata.io